Doctor Demon

Chapter 237 - Cho Mansion (3)

They watched in horror as Siwan was fighting off the demon, trying to regain control. 

"No!" He yelled, his voice mixed between his own and Sungki\'s. The demon was so busy in his inner battle with Siwan\'s soul that he let go of Baekha and Minyoon who fell on the ground with a thud. Minyoon quickly scrambled to his feet and ran towards the shaman. Before the shaman could do anything, Minyoon hit him on the head and knocked him out.

Ciara tried to stop Jiwoon but the latter punched her hard, knocking her unconscious. She quickly unlocked herself while Youngjoon lunged forward to control Siwan. But Baekha was faster. She kicked the man away from the struggling Siwan, who was still fighting the demon.

"Agh!" Youngjoon yelled. 

Jiwoon reached over to Siwan who was contorting on the floor.

"Doctor Kang!" she called him. "Doctor Kang, you need to fight this!"

She was horrified to see him in tremendous pain. Siwan was suffering from the possession but his soul was still alive somewhere in there, continuing to fight.

"Ho...bin…" he managed to say. "Find…"

Even in that state, he knew that the only person who could help was his brother. Jiwoon turned to Minyoon who was also terrified of what was happening. 

"Call Doctor Ohm," she ordered. "And Jina too!"

"They\'re on their way here!" Minyoon exclaimed. He helped Jiwoon in holding down the struggling Siwan but he was too strong for them. They were having a hard time to hold him as he thrashed like a mad man.

Behind them, Baekha was tying up the silly couple and the shaman together so that they would not be able to do anything.

"That should take care of these three idiots," she muttered once she was done. "But what do we do about the Doctor?"

"Nothing is going to work on this demon!" Minyoon said at once. "Charms, salt and peach powder are useless against it."

Jiwoon was now thinking fast. Even three people could not hold Siwan down because Sungki was trying to regain control of his body. Siwan was giving a good fight but for how long?


Was it Siwan speaking or Sungki? It was hard to tell.

"Stop moving!" Minyoon yelled as he pinned Siwan\'s hands. Baekha was also struggling to hold him down and she was not sure how long they could control him. She had never encountered someone so strong and determined. Was this man really possessed by a demon?

Suddenly, the front door was broken down and a group of people entered. They looked around to find Jina, Yoonmin and a funny looking shaman chortling inside the mansion, seemingly shocked.

Jina and Yoonmin instantly jumped to help them.

"What took you so long?" Minyoon yelled at his twin.

"The stupid shaman took too long to get ready!" Yoonmin growled. They had to stop by at Bomi\'s house to bring him along. The old man had taken a long time to bring his necessary equipment, wasting a lot of time.

"Exorcisms need to be perfect!" Bomi snapped.

"Shut up and get rid of the bloody demon!" Jina shouted at him. She was also struggling to help the others in trying to put Siwan down. The demon was too strong and powerful, suppressing Siwan\'s soul. 

Beside her, Magrod was also shocked and somewhat impressed.

"Boy, I can\'t believe a human has this much willpower to fight a demon!" he gasped. "I\'ve heard of it but to see it like this…"

No wonder Sungki had a hard time possessing this body, he realized. The willpower in this man is just too damn strong!

"Stop ogling and start helping!" Jina shrieked at the dog demon. "Find the object!"

"Hey! That tone isn\'t gonna help!"


Meanwhile, Bomi began to chant. They knew the exorcism might not work but they could weaken the demon long enough for Magrod to find the object which tied him to the living world. Jina had told Bomi all about the demon and the shaman was astonished to hear of such a peculiar creature. But there was little time to dwell on that.

As soon as Bomi started the spell, a sharp pain shot into Magrod\'s chest but he ignored itl. He turned around to try and find the object which was precious to Sungki and was tying him to the living world. While Bomi was chanting the ritual, the furry little demon prowled around the house, trying to sense the object.

"Ugh!" he scowled. "The spell is interfering with my senses. Oh well."

His nose was on high alert, sniffing for anything that smelled like sulphur but there was nothing inside the house which gave off such a strong scent.

"Where is it?" he muttered as he searched Sungki\'s old room. Nothing in particular was smelling like Sulphur which was odd. Did those two hide it somewhere away from the house?

He hurried back downstairs to find that the demon was overwhelming the others. Bomi\'s spell made Sungki more reactive and he was throwing away his captors one by one, grabbing on to Jiwoon only. She kneed him in the stomach but his grip on her was too strong.

"Let her go!" Jina snarled and punched the demon on the nose, knocking him backwards but the demon only growled at her and used his powers to throw her backwards. She was pinned to the wall, unable to move. Glaring at Bomi, he knocked the shaman out and then turned to his wife.

Jiwoon tried to punch him again but Sungki was now in full control of Siwan\'s body. He grabbed her wrist and twisted it.

"AGHHHH!" She yelled in pain. Magrod rushed forward along with the twins but all of them were thrown off and pinned along with their sister. 

"Can\'t you do something?" Jina shouted at the dog demon.

"Even my powers aren\'t working here!" Magrod snarled. "The shaman\'s spell is causing all our powers to go out of control. If I try anything, it might end up hurting everyone!"

Baekha crawled towards her brother. Her foot was broken in the fight and she was still too weak but she held on to every last bit of her willpower.

"Let her go!" She screamed at her brother but Sungki\'s invisible hands held her by the throat, lifting her up and throwing her against the wall. Baekha was knocked unconscious. 

Jiwoon was still fighting off Sungki but the demon was too strong for her alone. He was eyeing her with lust and anger. Grabbing her hair again, he pulled it hard.

"You can\'t escape me dear wifey!" he sneered. "Not even in death!"

Jiwoon spat at him. This man did not need to become a demon to turn into a monster. He already was one. But now, he had gone out of control and possessed that one person who meant a lot to her.

"Doctor Kang, snap out of it!" she tried to urge. Jiwoon did not know if it was going to work but if Siwan can fight off the demon from within, maybe Sungki could be defeated.

"He can\'t hear you anymore!" Sungki gloated. "I put him back to sleep! Soon, I\'ll kill him. Unless…" 

He leered at her with his red eyes, beaming in an evil way. 

"Unless you trade your soul for it!"

Jina\'s eyes widened in horror when she heard that. She was struggling to be freed but it was nearly impossible.

"So that\'s his plan!" she realized.

"Yes," Magrod said in a bitter tone. "He wants to make her trade her soul in exchange for Siwan\'s life!"

Jiwoon was also shocked. Trade her soul?

"Didn\'t he try to save your daughter?" Sungki baited her. "Can you see this man in pain? The man who supported you and stood by you without any questions? Can you watch him die a painful death?"

He knew that he hit her sore spot. Siwan was an important person in her life and she was not going to let him suffer in the hands of Sungki. Jiwoon\'s heart was in a dilemma, faced with a difficult choice. She looked straight into the demon\'s eyes but no...those were not Sungki\'s eyes. 

Those were Siwan\'s eyes. He was still there somewhere, fighting for her. Siwan was using all his willpower to keep himself alive and cast the demon out but he was losing. He would lose his life if she did not give in to the demon\'s will.

Am I still that weak? She thought in dismay. All the years she spent in training herself to become stronger and smarter, were those for nothing?

She was still gazing at Siwan\'s handsome face. The same man who had helped her when no one would. Sungki was right. She could not let Siwan die a painful death.

"You\'re in love with him, aren\'t you?" Sungki snarled. "This man...I know you love him!"

"This is not how anyone should have their love confessions," Yoonmin muttered. Their limbs were also pinned to the wall, making it impossible to even move.

"Jiwoon, don\'t do it!" Jina exclaimed. "He\'s not gonna let Siwan go even if you do this!"

"Think about it, wife!" Sungki snarled at Jiwoon. "I\'ll give the doctor back his body if you agree to go to Hell with me. As soon as the body is let go, you\'ll come to Hell."

To everyone\'s horror, something was appearing out of thin air. It was a paper which looked like a document.

"The contract!" Magrod gasped. "No! Don\'t sign it!"

Jiwoon was torn. She blankly stared at the paper, feeling helpless.

"Choose," Sungki said. "Siwan\'s life or death?"

"I...I…" Jiwoon stammered in dismay. Siwan\'s life or his death? 

Sungki felt victorious. Everything was going his way. He was finally going to be with his wife!


Startled, Sungki turned around to meet an overwhelming aura which nearly threw him off guard. Hobin stood there looking cold and furious.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY BROTHER\'S BODY!" he yelled and punched Sungki hard in the face.

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