A Girl's Life in a Gaming World

Chapter 17 - Character Creation

When Alex connected to Parabellum, the first sound that reached her ears was a feminine voice. Her vision started adjusting from the bright flash of light earlier.

She looked around her surroundings to see who had spoken to her. Shortly, she sees a blob of light floating in the middle of the white room. Alex moved closer to the ball of light, as she curiously reached out her hand on the thing.

As her hand was about to touch the blob of light, it suddenly moved and started rotating around her.

[Welcome player, I am your guide, A.I., please call me Light001.]

"Wow!! Cool, they have this stuff now?" Alex was amazed as her eyesight interestedly followed the floating light rotating around her.

In the game Guardian, there\'s no such thing as A.I. that guides the players in creating their characters all of them were just left to figure out things on their own. That\'s why other people created trash characters in the past.

Alex knew one of those people in the past that created a trash character. And Ezekiel is one of them who picked a healer class in a single-player game, thinking that there must be a purpose for the game to have a healer class. He thought that maybe there are strong NPCs that can carry him. Ezekiel\'s delusions made him believe that being able to heal himself while others cannot is overpowered. He started pretty well in the game, but in the end, when enemies became stronger, it took him longer to kill each one of them to the point where the apocalypse came. And a horde of monsters surged forth he can\'t even kill one.

Ezekiel was literally crying to her when he told her his story, saying that if only he chose a different class at that time. His name should have been on the hall of fame for being one of the players that hit the one-hour mark.

[Would you like to create your character now?] The A.I blob of light stopped right in front of her face.

Alex got back to the present as the A.I.\'s voice reached her ears again.


[Please decide on the name of your character.]

Alex thinks that this A.I. is too polite in its way of talking.

Alex pondered for a moment. "Alexandria!" She decided to use her name instead of the usual names she uses in computer games, like Hero Slaughterer, Demon Hunter, and a lot more embarrassing names. It\'s fine using it in computer games since no one knows her behind the screen. Alex can\'t help but feel embarrassed imagining people calling her those names in front of her.

[Alexandria will now be set as your permanent avatar name]

[Parabellum has one hundred races. You may select one race based on your affinity with them. You are required to have above 50% affinity to be able to pick that certain race]

"They also have affinities now??"

"Why is it required to have 50% affinity to choose?" Alex asked. She doesn\'t understand what\'s the point of having affinities.

"Wouldn\'t it be better if everyone can choose a race they like?" Limiting the player\'s choice might incite rage.

[Certain races have requirements for them to accept a player in their race. An example of this will be Angel\'s race that doesn\'t welcome evil humans, Elves that don\'t take in ugly people in their race. Dwarves that don\'t care for people with no talents in crafting, and many more.]

Isn\'t this A.I. pretty smart for it to answer her question instantly. It\'s like Alex is talking with a girl on her phone. "Now that you talk about it, it\'s all starting to make sense."

[Of course, the human race is also definite with 100% affinity. While other race that doesn\'t have any requirements like the Orc race, Beast, Demon, and others give a 50% to 100% affinity depending on the person similar trait to that race.]

"Hmmm, I see, I see." She nodded in agreement. Alex thinks that this kind of system is very cool.

"Then what is the difference between a 50% affinity to a 100% affinity?" Alex asked.

[With a higher affinity, the player gets better treatment in that race\'s society, while lower affinity gets a lesser opportunity. You can also call affinity a player\'s blood purity. A player that has a 50% is considered as half-elf while a player with 100% is a pure elf]

With the A.I. explanation, Alex can\'t help but be amazed that they also thought of these things.

[Excuse me, but someone\'s calling you in discode would you like to answer it]

Alex is puzzled. "Call?"

[Yes, a call from God Healer #2882] Hearing the shameless username, Alex suddenly remembers Ezekiel telling her that they can use applications in the game.

[Do you wish to answer it?]


"Hello? Hello, can you hear me??" Alex was astonished hearing Ezekiel\'s voice directly in her ears.

"Yes, why did you call?" Alex asked.

"I just wanted to ask, what race are you picking?"

"I\'m still about to look at what race I can choose before you called me."

"Ohhh, go, go and look at it now." She can hear Ezekiel\'s excitement in his voice.

What is this guy thinking now? "What are you so excited about? I am taking it slow I don\'t want to make the same mistake as you." Alex is now wary of Ezekiel\'s suspicious actions.

"Hey! No bringing back old wounds, besides I learned my lessons already. Hurry, hurry, check it first."

Alex became more suspicious of Ezekiel. "Yes, yes, I\'ll check now. By the way, call Samantha and my dad here." Alex decided to use her dad as a shield. That way, Ezekiel can\'t pull any pranks on her.

"What\'s your dad\'s username?" Ezekiel asked, unaware of Alex\'s counter to his trap.

"Retired God of Generals #1315." Alex shyly said.

"This..." Ezekiel was dumbfounded. Aren\'t you too old to be using that!!!

"I know, I know, Anyway just add him here." Alex knew what Ezekiel\'s thinking.

"Okay, be right back."

"Lumiere, show me the list of races." Alex decided to call the A.I. Lumiere with its feminine voice. Alex thinks that it\'s a waste to call it Light0001

[My name is Light0001, not Lumiere]

"Can I call you Lumiere?"


"Then Lumiere show me the list of races." Alex was satisfied with her naming sense not unlike the two guys she knew.


Human: 100% Affinity




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