Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 749 - Guardian of the Blood Hall

Chapter 749 Guardian of the Blood Hall

“Hiss, it’s so cold!” Lin Mengya said.

Although she was dressed in a thick fur cloak, she still felt the weather was freezing cold.

The Nation of Dongxia was quite an interesting place. They seemed to have experienced the change of the four seasons on the way from Jiang City.

When they arrived at the foot of the snow mountain Qijue Peak, she felt as if she had come from a place in late spring to a place in severe winter.

“Young master, perhaps the frosty weather helps you get a lot better. At least before you come downhill, you don’t have to undergo acupuncture again.” As Qian Hua said, he put away the silver needles.

He was keenly aware of Lin Mengya’s current condition.

However, even he, who had studied poison for decades, thought her health condition quite a knotty problem.

“Thank you for your help these days. Sir, when we arrive at the town ahead, they will probably come. You don’t have to go with me. If you care about me, wait for me for half a month. If... if I don’t come downhill, just go far away and never come back,” Lin Mengya said.

She, still dressed as a man, adjusted her clothes.

Lifting the curtain of the carriage, she found it lifeless outside.

All of a sudden, she felt sorrow and heroism, as if these withered plants were seeing her off.

If Long Tianyu or Qinghu was here, they would certainly say something of bad omen.

She was aware that it was very likely to be a one-way trip.

It was difficult to use the Seven Poisons Sacred Grass to neutralize the poison in her body.

Apart from that, Qian Hua had told her that the Candle Dragon Cult members waiting for her at the foot of the mountain were not just ordinary minions.

Dying on the mountain was probably the best ending to her life.

“Young master, let me go with you. Before I came here, Baili Rui repeatedly told me that I must take you back. At worst, the two of us may be captured by the Candle Dragon Cult,” Qian Hua said.

After thinking it over, he still decided he could not let Lin Mengya take the risk alone.

Shaking her head, Lin Mengya remained composed.

She turned around and softly got out of the carriage parked by the roadside.

It was snowing outside. Lin Mengya gathered her cloak and walked unhurriedly down the only road leading to the town.

It was very quiet all around. Apart from the sounds caused by the carriages and horses following her to escort her, she could hardly hear any other sound.

Not far away, there were a few scattered houses that looked especially conspicuous at the foot of the snow-white mountain.

However, it was quiet all round.

Lin Mengya walked vigilantly to the center of the town that was abnormal.

Even if no one came out, there should be some smoke and fire on such a cold day.

However, she did not see any here.

Lin Mengya felt that she had to get up the nerve so that she could suppress the urge to turn around and run away.

She walked straight to the largest courtyard in the town.

After checking around carefully, she only found a spiral of smoke rising out of this courtyard.

Meanwhile, she saw no smoke rising out of the other new or old houses.

Lin Mengya was stunned, thinking that the residents in this town were doomed to be innocent victims the moment they were targeted by the Candle Dragon Cult.

The Candle Dragon Cult’s way of doing things was as cruel as she expected.

With a “creak”, the door of the courtyard was pushed open.

A figure as dark as a crow appeared in Lin Mengya’s sight.

That person had a very robust build, wearing a copper mask.

Lin Mengya and he stared at each other for a long while before she was surprised to find that the copper mask turned out to be the man’s face.

That was to say, the face beneath the mask might be badly mangled, but there was no way it could be a complete human face.

Lin Mengya’s heart skipped a beat. How ruthless was the Candle Dragon Cult that trained Qinghu and the copper-masked man in front of her in such a cruel way?

“Please come in,” the copper-masked man said in a hoarse and low voice, from which she could not tell his specific age.

Lin Mengya pondered for a moment, then stamped into the room.

In fact, she had pretended to be polite and compliant to these people on the off chance that even if she were to successfully neutralize the poison in her body, they would not benefit from it.

However now, from the moment she came to the quiet and desolate village and met this copper-masked man, she realized that she turned out to be the one trapped.

She silently walked past the copper-masked man, who stepped aside, into the room.

Before she entered the room, she felt warmth and smelled a strange fragrance.

The room was very spacious. Apart from the table, chairs and stools, she did not see anything else.

There were four bonfires in the corners, each with two copper-masked men watching.

She looked away from them and fixed her eyes on the person sitting in front of her.

The man was dressed in steel grey clothes and also wore a mask that was silvery grey, revealing half of his face.

She could only tell that it was a man who was looking her up and down with his eyes behind his mask in the way that a leopard stared at a rabbit, which made her a little uneasy.

This man was probably the head of those men, because only he wore a real mask.

“Princess Yu, daughter of the eldest princess of the Nation of Lintian, you deserve your reputation. The Lin Family has cultivated a good daughter. Miss Mengya, compared with those women who keep crying, I really admire your courage.” The man pointed out her identity as soon as he spoke.

Lin Mengya was not surprised. She had never hidden her real identity, so they could certainly find out about it if they wanted to.

Nevertheless, from the very beginning, this man gave out extremely dangerous air.

Although he was supposed to be dangerous as a member of the Candle Dragon Cult, very few among the numerous people Lin Mengya had seen could make her so oppressed.

This man was probably not a nobody.

“Sir, what’s your name?” Lin Mengya asked, forcing herself to put on a polite and calm look.

At this moment, even if she wanted to curse, she had to put on such a look.

The man sitting in the chair smiled, and fixed his gray eyes on Lin Mengya like a poisonous snake.

“I’m Canying, one of the four guardians of the Blood Hall. Qinghu, your companion, used to be my favorite toy. It’s a pity that he became less obedient as he grew old. I won’t let my next toy live that long,” Canying said casually, but his words made Lin Mengya’s heart tremble.

It turned out that he was the culprit who had almost kept Qinghu young forever.

Lin Mengya only felt a sudden surge of rage and a strong urge to rush over and strangle this pervert.

Nevertheless, she managed to suppress the urge, forced a smile and said with joined hands, “You turn out to be guardian Canying. I’ve been curious about who has such great magic power to keep people young forever. Unexpectedly, it turns out to be you. But I’m wondering if the reason why you are so good at this magical skill is that you are too old to recollect your youth.”

Despite her respectful look, she talked in an undisguised mocking tone.

Lin Mengya was never an obedient puppy.

Although she knew that they were trying to intimidate her by presenting such a scene, it was her nature to put up a little resistance.

“Humph, what a sharp tongue you got. In normal times, I would have caught you and peeled off your beautiful skin. However, your skin is too old to interest me,” Canying said.

He described her as old? Lin Mengya was stunned for a moment, and then glanced at him with a strange look.

She, less than twenty years old in this life, was in her prime.

Thinking back, when she first met Qinghu, he seemed to be much younger than her.

Could it be that this pervert in front of her was fond of youngsters?

Instantly, she got goosebumps all over and involuntarily looked at Canying with a disdainful look in her eyes.

“Humph! How dare you look at me like this! Come on! Dig out her eyes!” Canying shouted.

As she expected, Canying, who was bad-tempered, flew into a rage after having a short conversation with her.

However, before the copper-masked men around him took action, Lin Mengya sat elegantly down in front of him and said, “Take it easy, Canying. It doesn’t matter if you dig out my eyes, but if you kill me by accident, you will take great responsibility. I forgot to remind you that although you are proficient in medicine, you are unaware of the property of the poison in my body. You had better not trigger the fatal poison in my body before I reach the top of the mountain. If I really die, who can you take back to report on the completion of your task? Your toys, these clumsy guys, or yourself?”

By now, Lin Mengya had suppressed the last bit of fear in her heart, as she realized one thing.

Both Canying and the Candle Dragon Cult wanted to capture her alive.

In other words, no one dared to kill her, but she was a seriously sick person on the verge of death.

Otherwise, how could Canying, a guardian of high status, condescend to come here and climb the Qijue Peak with her?

The more she was aware of this, the bolder she became.

She sat there leisurely and reached out to pour herself a cup of warm tea, casting an unbridled glance at Canying with tremendous disdain in her clear eyes.

“Good, I appreciate your unruly personality. But Miss Lin, let me give you a piece of advice. In our Blood Hall, I have thousands of ways to torture you so that you will beg for a quick death. I’m not a broad-minded person!” Canying said.

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